Random blood sugar normal range

    normal random blood sugar level in child
    normal random blood sugar level in children
    normal random blood glucose level in children
    normal random blood sugar level
  • Normal random blood sugar level in child
  • Normal blood sugar for 5 year old without diabetes!

    What are your blood glucose goals?

  • What is a normal blood sugar level for a child without diabetes
  • Normal blood sugar for 5 year old without diabetes
  • Normal blood sugar for 7 year old without diabetes
  • Child blood sugar levels chart
  • Normal Blood Sugar for Kids

    Considering the fast growth rate of children, it is quite natural that their bodies need a constant supply of glucose to develop in a normal way, therefore the healthy blood sugar level for children is always higher than that for adults.

    In the case that children get high or low blood sugar levels, you should consult a doctor about whether it is healthy for your children, as every child has different needs for glucose. You should also be aware that high or low blood sugar level can indicate diabetes.

    If this is the condition, you first need to have clear information about the normal blood sugar for children and then do something to maintain healthy glucose levels. 

    Normal Blood Sugar for Kids

    Normal blood sugar levels for kids vary greatly depending on their age and other life factors. Here is a table to help you get a better idea about normal blood sugar for kids of different ages.

    Normal Blood Sugar Level for Kids (Unit: mg/dL)

    Age 6 to 12

    Age 13 to 19


    80 to 180


    70 to 150

    Before me

      normal random glucose levels
      child random blood sugar