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What should be random blood sugar level?.
What level of blood sugar is dangerous for type 2 diabetes
What is Random Blood Sugar Level? (rbs)
Random blood sugar levels (rbs) are when a person is tested for diabetes randomly throughout the day. During this, a few drops of a person’s blood is deposited on a diabetes test strip in order to determine their blood glucose levels.
Once the test strip shows the results it can be determined if a person has diabetes or not.
What is the random blood sugar normal range?
Following are the random blood sugar normal range (rbs normal range) values:
- 110 - 140 mg/dL - Normal RBS Level
- Between: 140 - 200 mg/dL - Prediabetes
- Higher than 200 mg/dL - Diabetes
What is random blood sugar test?
(rbs test)
Rbs test means random blood sugar test.
Random blood sugar level chartDiabetes is diagnosed by analyzing a random blood sugar test (rbs test). It is a random glucose test to determine glucose levels. When the glucose level in the blood is 200 mg/dL or greater, the characteristic symptoms of high blood sugar appear, and the doctor may diagnose the individual with diabetes.
For people suffering from diabetes, it is imperative to keep a check on their g
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