10 bigha to acre

    bigha to acre conversion in gujarat
    bigha to hectare conversion in gujarat
    bigha to acre converter in gujarat
    bigha to acre in gujarat calculator
  • Bigha to acre conversion in gujarat
  • More about Bigha measurement unit

  • 5 bigha to acre
  • 1 bigha in acre in up
  • 2 bigha to acre
  • 1 acre = bigha
  • 1 bigha in acre in up.

    Convert 1 Bigha in Square Feet, Acre, Hectare: Bigha in India

    History of Bigha

    The origin of word Bigha comes from Vigraha, a Sanskrit word that means division. Before the British Raj in India, the land measurement in Bigha used to vary.

    In most cases, 1 Bigha was equal to the area that required two ploughs for cultivation. 

    After the British established themselves in our nation, Bigha was standardised as a unit of measurement in West Bengal and was equivalent to 1/3rd of an acre.

    6 bigha to acre

    However, the size of Bigha continues to differ in different parts of the country.

    Use of Bigha in Neighbouring Countries

    In addition to its extensive usage in India, Bigha is also used in neighbouring countries like Bangladesh and Nepal.

    If we talk about our northern neighbour Nepal, land measurement units, Ropani and Bigha, are extensively used across the country.

    The usage of Bigha is simultaneous with that of other advanced measurement systems. In Nepal, while 1 Bigha equals 1.61 acres, there are 13.31 ropani in 1 Bigha.

    In Bangladesh, both Katha and Bigha are popular land measurement uni

      1 acre to bigha in gujarat
      2 acre to bigha in gujarat