List in c example

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    Linked List in C

    A linked list is a linear data structure where each element, known as a node, is connected to the next one using pointers. Unlike array, elements of linked list are stored in random memory locations.

    In this article, we will learn about the linked list, its types, representation of the linked list in C, and discuss what link list offers as compared to the similar data structures.

    Table of Content

    What is a Linked List?

    A linked list is a sequence of nodes where each node contains two parts:

    • Data: The value stored in the node.
    • Pointer: A reference to the next node in the sequence.
      (There can be multiple pointers for different kind of linked list.)

    Unlike arrays, linked lists do not store elements in contiguous memory locations.

    Instead, each node points to the next, forming a chain-like structure and to access any element (node), we need to first sequentially traverse all the nodes before it.

    It is a recursive data structure in which any smaller part of it is also a linked list in itself.

    Representation of Linked List in C

    In C, linked li

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