How to create a toolbar in html

how to create a toolbar in html
CSS #tutorial #course This is not a responsive navigation bar. It's meant to be an exercise for beginners to build a very basic navbar. HTML.

How to get date in html coding

how to get date in html coding
The new Date() Constructor. In JavaScript, date objects are created with new Date(). new Date() returns a date object with the current date and time.

How to merge cells in html table

how to merge cells in html table
To merge table columns in HTML use the colspan attribute in tag. With this, merge cells with each other. For example, if your table is.

How to arrange text in html

how to arrange text in html
You can use the text-align property to move the text to the left, right, center, or even justify your content, so it fills the element or.

How to set text color in html

how to set text color in html
You can use the CSS color property to change the text color. This property accepts color values like Hex codes, RGB, HSL, or color names.

How to load video in html

how to load video in html
Definition and Usage. The preload attribute specifies if and how the author thinks that the video should be loaded when the page loads.

How to connect a database in html

how to connect a database in html
PHP is always a good choice because it's fairly easy to integrate in your html file, it has a native MySQL support and it's supported by Apache.

Top destinations in rome

top destinations in rome
1. Colosseum · 2. The Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel · 3. Pantheon · 4. Roman Forum and Palatine · 5. MAXXI · 6. Musei.

Basic dribbling in basketball

basic dribbling in basketball
In this video, we demonstrate the Basic Principles of Ballhandling and Dribbling, and show you dribbling drills to work on the basic Control Dribble.

One foot in cm

one foot in cm
Foot to Centimeter Conversion Table ; 1 ft, 30.48 cm ; 2 ft, 60.96 cm ; 3 ft, 91.44 cm ; 5 ft, 152.4 cm.

Chicken pox vaccine in govt hospital

chicken pox vaccine in govt hospital
Children vaccinated at 12 months through 12 years of age require one dose. After age 13, natural varicella is more severe, complications are more frequent, and.

Comfortable clothes to fly in

comfortable clothes to fly in
Pashminas, shawls, wraps, cardigans, sweatshirts, vests, and light jackets are perfect. You can even fold or roll soft items, like cotton jackets, and use them.