How to put in a lip ring

    how to put in a lip ring
    how to put in a lip ring with ball
    how to put in a lip ring without ball
    how to put in a spiral lip ring
  • How to put in a lip ring
  • Discover tips on how to wear a hoop lip ring with style and care for your piercings.

    How to put in a lip ring with ball...

    How to Pierce Your Own Lip

  • 1

    Use the appropriate equipment. The proper piercing needle is a professional piercing needle, not a sewing needle.

    Sewing needles are for fabric, not your skin!

  • 2

    Clean your needle.This is very important.

    Expose more of the post and grab onto with the hemostats.

    You don't know where any of these needles have been. If you have a packaged professional needle, then it has probably already been properly cleaned in an autoclave.

    • Be sure to clean your jewelry properly, too. Though some caution was probably taken in manufacturing it, you can never be too careful.


  • 3

    Prepare to pierce your lip. Dry your inner lip with a dry tissue or cloth so you don't salivate all over your piercing hand.

    How to take out a lip piercing for the first time

  • Labret piercing
  • How to put in a lip ring with ball
  • Discover tips on how to wear a hoop lip ring with style and care for your piercings.
  • Changing piercings can sometimes cause stress for the one changing it but it doesn't have to be that way!
  • First mark where you want to pierce so you know where to put the needle. Then make sure the area you're in is very clean; not sitting at some grungy bathroom sink. Have your supplies ready, laid out on a clean tissue. Don't get any unnecessary germs on them.

  • 4

    Wear clean vinyl/rubber gloves. Once your gloves are on, be sure to not touch anything but the needle and clamp.

      how to put in a lip piercing
      how to put in a labret ring