Breathing exercise for asthma pdf

    exercises to improve lung function in asthmatics
    exercises for asthmatic person
    improving lung function with asthma
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    Asthma exercise at home

    Breathing Exercises

    Out with the old, stale air and in with new fresh air. That's the theme of the two most useful breathing exercises—pursed lip breathing and belly breathing—taught by pulmonary rehabilitation specialists to individuals with chronic lung diseases such as asthma and COPD.

     Like aerobic exercise improves your heart function and strengthens your muscles, breathing exercises can make your lungs more efficient.

    Why Breathing Exercises Help

    When you have healthy lungs, breathing is natural and easy.

    You breathe in and out with your diaphragm doing about 80 percent of the work to fill your lungs with a mixture of oxygen and other gases, and then to send the waste gas out.

    How to improve asthma with exercise

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  • Lung HelpLine respiratory therapist Mark Courtney compares the process to a screen door with a spring, opening and shutting on its own. "Our lungs are springy, like the door. Over time, though, with asthma and especially with COPD, our lungs lose that springiness.

    They don't return to the same level as when you start breathing, and air gets trapped in our lungs," Courtney explains.

    Over time,

      asthma lung exercise
      exercises for bronchial asthma