Credibility examples
- how to use credibility in a sentence
- how to use reputation in a sentence
- how to put credibility in a sentence
- how to use the word credibility in a sentence
Examples of credibility in writing.
Examples of 'credibility' in a sentence
Examples from the Collins Corpus
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What he is trying to do is restore scientific credibility to the organisation.
We went too far down the comedy route and lost credibility.
Their presence gives the competition credibility with public and sponsors but at a heavy price.
They lost either credit with the pope or credibility with their people.
So is becoming a councillor a way of gaining the credibility he feels he is due?Credibility examples in real life Credibility examples in a speech Examples of credibility in writing Example of credibility in research Examples of credibility in the workplace
Credibility examples in real life
Those who claim to know it all lose credibility.
One vote per telephone number would restore some credibility.
It calls into question the credibility of those people.
He said he had used the doctor signs for easier parking and to gain credibility.
This will certainly lose credibility with your subject.
It undermines the credibility of health warnings
- how to put reputation in a sentence
- how to use good reputation in a sentence