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Traffic citation georgia
Georgia citation lookup free!
Traffic Citation Information
- You must wait 10-14 business days after receiving your ticket before you attempt to pay a fine or obtain online information regarding your citation.
- Not all cases can be paid online.
Some cases require a mandatory appearance. Failure to appear for a mandatory court appearance may result in a suspension of your Driver's License and/or a Bench Warrant for your arrest.
- If you have a payable offense and your case is not paid by the court date, your case will go into a Failure to Appear status which may result in a suspension of your Driver's License and/or a Bench Warrant for your arrest.
- To search for your case, you may use the “Court Records Search” link to find your court-assigned case number, confirm your court date, and track docket entries.
If after 14 business days, you cannot locate your citation using the “Court Records Search” link, contact the Clerk’s Office at 770-528-2660 to inquire.
- If your traffic citation(s) are payable online, you may pay your citation(s) by clicking on the “Pay Traffic Citation” link.
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