Storing garlic in olive oil botulism

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    how to store peeled garlic in olive oil
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  • Preserving Garlic in Oil

    Preserving garlic in oil is a great way to have the delicious flavor of garlic on hand at all times. It’s easy to do and can be a great addition to any meal. However, it’s important to follow specific methods to avoid the risk of botulism, a serious and potentially deadly illness.

    Here are some tips for preserving garlic in oil safely.

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    Choosing the Right Garlic

    When preserving garlic in oil, it’s important to select fresh, firm bulbs of garlic.

    Avoid garlic that is soft or has started to sprout.

    How to preserve garlic in olive oil

    It’s also best to use organic garlic to avoid the risk of pesticide residues in your preserved garlic.

    Preparing the Garlic

    Peel the cloves of garlic and remove any green shoots or blemishes. Be sure to handle the garlic with clean hands to avoid contamination.

    Preserving the Garlic

    After preparing the garlic, it can be preserved in oil in a few different ways.

    One popular method is to pack peeled garlic cloves into a clean, sterilized jar and cover them with oi

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