Best time to visit yogyakarta

    places to visit in yogyakarta
    places to visit in yogyakarta city
    places to see in yogyakarta
    where to visit in yogyakarta
  • Places to visit in yogyakarta
  • Where to stay in yogyakarta

  • Where to stay in yogyakarta
  • Things to do in yogyakarta city
  • What to do in yogyakarta for 3 days
  • Unusual things to yogyakarta
  • Free things to do in yogyakarta
  • What to do in yogyakarta for 3 days.

    Welcome to Things to do in Yogyakarta, the first post of our Indonesia series. I had the chance to visit this wonderful country last October for the first time – which is quite strange because despite being Australian, I had never been to Indonesia.

    Check out these tours around Yogyakarta, ideal for first-timers!

    Our favourite tour provider is GetYourGuide, offering a variety of activities, flexible booking, and 24/7 support!

    There’s no such thing as ‘the real Indonesia’. Or let me rephrase – there are many ‘real’ versions of Indonesia. The forests of Sumatra, the volcanoes of Java, hiking the Ijen Crater, the villages of Bali and the stunning beaches of Raja Ampat are all facets of this huge and diverse country, home to over 800 million people and a variety of religions, traditions and cultures.

    If I were to choose the perfect destination for first time visitors to Indonesia, I’d choose Yogyakarta. Not only because it was my first destination in the country, but also because Yogyakarta offers a great mix

      best places to visit in yogyakarta
      top places to visit in yogyakarta