How can you tell if wheezing is from your lungs or throat

    wheezing rattling in chest
    bronchitis rattling in chest
    wheezing and rattling in chest when exhaling
    why is my chest rattling
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  • Rattling in chest with cough

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    Have you ever experienced a persistent cough that seems to linger in your chest, accompanied by a rattling sound? If so, you may be wondering if this is a symptom of bronchitis or pneumonia.

    Both of these respiratory conditions can cause similar symptoms, including a cough with a rattling sound known as chest rattle. In this article, we will explore the differences between bronchitis and pneumonia and whether chest rattle is a common symptom of these conditions.

      rattling in chest meaning
      rattly chest
    Chest RattleYes (with bronchitis) or No (with pneumonia)
    CoughPersistent with bronchitis, productive cough (with phlegm) with pneumonia
    Shortness of BreathPresent with both bronchitis and pneumonia
    FeverCommon with pneumonia, may or may not be present with bronchitis
    FatiguePresent with both bronchitis and pneumonia
    Chest painMild to moderate with bronchitis, sharp or stabbing pain with pneumonia
    WheezingCommon with bronchitis, may or may not be present with pneumonia
    Sputum productionIncreased with bronchitis, may or may not be present with pneumonia