Thats when faith steps in lyrics

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  • Thats when faith steps in lyrics
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  • McKameys - When Faith Steps In Lyrics.
  • That's when"¦.faith steps in.
  • When you feel you can't go on another day yet still.
  • 2 years ago more.
  • That's when"¦.faith steps in....

    When faith steps in by the Mckameys

    Postby Guest » Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:53 am

    When Faith Steps in

    When you call on one who you cannot see
    And you give him your heart for all of eternity
    That's when"¦..

    faith begins
    When you turn away from all of your sin
    And you trust in the Lord to cleanse you within
    That's when"¦.. faith begins
    In childlike trust you hold out your hand
    Simply believing salvations plan

    When you feel you can't go on another day
    Yet still somehow you kneel down and pray
    That's when"¦.faith steps in
    When all seems lost there is no hope in sight
    But still you sing all through the night
    That's when"¦.faith steps in
    Faith brings joy and peace in the midst of the storm
    It sends out a lifeline when you are tossed and worn

    When you say goodbye to your dearest friend
    And through tear filled eyes you say I will see them again
    That's when"¦.faith steps in
    When you take your last breath in this world down here
    And you close your eyes without any fear
    That's when"¦.faith steps in
    Faith will carry you where feet have

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