Gin and tonic calories vs beer

    calories in double gin and tonic
    calories in 2 gin and tonics
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  • Calories in double gin and tonic
  • Calories in gin 50ml...

    Units and calories in gin

    A gin and tonic might have more alcohol and calories in it than you would expect.

    A typical-strength single (25ml) measure of gin will have 1 unit of alcohol in it.

    How many calories in a gin and tonic

  • How many calories in a gin and tonic
  • Calories in tonic water
  • Calories in gin 50ml
  • Calories in gin and tonic vs wine
  • How many calories in a gin and soda
  • If your drink has a double measure, that means double the amount of alcohol (and calories).

    The UK Chief Medical Officers' (CMO) low risk drinking guidelines recommend that, to keep health risks from alcohol low, it´s safest not to regularly drink more than 14 units a week, for both men and women.

    So, drinking more than seven double measures of gin in a week would put you above the UK low risk drinking guidelines.

    Drinking above the UK low risk drinking guidelines increases your risk of developing long-term health problems. It can damage your heart and liver, increase your risk of seven different types of cancer, and affect your appearance, fertility and mental health.

    How much alcohol is in gin?

    For a drink to be sold as ‘gin’ in the UK, it has to be at least 37.5% Alcohol By Volume (ABV).1 That means 37.5% of the drink is pure alcohol.

    But the alcoholic strength of gin can v

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