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Table tennis calorie burn calculator.
How to calculate how many calories we have burned with Table Tennis (ping-pong)?
For the purpose of this calculation, the MET value (Metabolic Equivalent of Task) of the Table Tennis (ping-pong) was utilized.
The value of the MET for the Table Tennis (ping-pong) is 4.4.
1 hour of tennis calories burned
When calculating a person’s MET value, we multiply this number by their body weight in kilograms. After that, we multiply this value by 0.017 and the number of minutes that have passed.
Example Calculation:
- Your body weighs: 180 lbs
- Durition: 60 minutes
- MET value of Table Tennis (ping-pong): 4.4
The following is how many calories you can expect to burn by Table Tennis (ping-pong) for 30-minutes:
(180 / 2.20462) * 4.4 * 0.0175 * 60 minutes = 377
MET Value
A MET (metabolic equivalent of task) is a measurement of the amount of energy that is expended as a result of engaging in physical activity for a set amount of time.
On the chart that is located above, you will discover an activity’s MET.
A task that has a MET of 1 is about similar to the amount of energy consumed when do
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