Ensuing meaning
- how to use ensue in a sentence
- how to use the word ensue in a sentence
- how do you use ensue in a sentence
- how to use the word ensue
Insue or ensue meaning...
Examples of 'ensue' in a sentence
Examples from the Collins Corpus
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A battle ensued over which should remain.
A bitter custody battle ensued.
The outcome of the ensuing battle at the bridge was predictable.
The ensuing decades brought her worldwide acclaim.
The ensuing battle for survival contains some of the most original special effects seen on screen.Ensue meaning in hindi
Chaos and violence ensued as miners trampled over each other in the rush.
In the ensuing decades have votes for women led to better policies for women?
The "red shirts" offered resistance and street battles ensued.
And these twin currents would twist together throughout the ensuing decades.
European settlers nearly wiped them out and mass battles ensued with cowboys.
It is a straightforward economic shock of the kind that usually ensues when a country ab
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- ensue sentence making