How to install gyachi in ubuntu
- how to install gyachi in ubuntu
- как установить гит
- как установить yay
- как устанавливать с github › showthread.
Gyachi is no longer maintained, and will be rather difficult to install on current versions of Ubuntu/Linux in general....
Howto Linux / Ubuntu: Gyachi - Yahoo! Messenger with Webcam, Room Voice Chat, Photo Sharing
client for Linux operating system that supports almost all of the features you would expect to find on the official Windows Yahoo! client: Voice chat, webcams, faders, 'nicknames', audibles, avatars, display images, and more.
You can download the source files and plugins from here.
Ubuntu Jaunty packages:
Ubuntu Intrepid packages:
Ubuntu Hardy packages: probably the last version to support it:
Or you can add the PPA repository.
For v4l2 webcams: you'll have to compile and use - thanks and credit goes to kung fu buntu for the patch.
64 bit package
Download the 64 bit package Ver.
note: this package has no room voice chat feature
installing gyachi in 64 bit system with 32 bit package if you want room voice chat
in you
- як встановити git
- как установить гит на мак