How to grow celery in a pot

how to grow celery in a pot
Set the celery in a shallow glass bowl or jar. Fill with enough water to submerge an inch of the root end. Place the bowl or jar where it can get good natural.

How to grow honeysuckle in a pot

how to grow honeysuckle in a pot
Honeysuckle vine grows well in containers. Select a container with excellent drainage and fill it with potting soil. Add a support to the.

How to winter perennials in pots

how to winter perennials in pots
Surround the containers with straw, leaves, or bark mulch. Watering should continue until the soil freezes and as long as the temperature is.

Planting foxgloves in pots

planting foxgloves in pots
Foxglove flourishes and blooms best in soils that are consistently moist and well draining. Allowing the top 2-3 inches of potting soil to dry.

Planting asiatic lilies in pots

planting asiatic lilies in pots
You can grow lilies in containers in cold climates. Place them in larger pots in the sun and wait for their beautiful blooms.

Planting roses in pots

planting roses in pots
Choose a large container with good drainage holes. As a rough guide, for smaller shrubs which grow up to 3ft, use pots with a 14 – 16 inch diameter. For larger.

How to grow shallots in pots

how to grow shallots in pots
Growing Shallots or grow Green Onions in buckets or Pots is so easy and rewarding. In this video I show you how I did it in a previous.

Growing pumpkins in pots

growing pumpkins in pots
Lower the pH of the potting soil. I've read that pumpkins will grow in anything from 5.5 to 7.5 but I have yet to find any real consensus on a more narrow range.

How to kill ants in pot plants

how to kill ants in pot plants
Optiguard ant gel is the best product around. It works overnight and kills the entire colony with a few BB sized drops. You have to kill the.

How to grow mirchi in pot

how to grow mirchi in pot
Growing Chilli in Pots: To grow green chillies or hot peppers, the soil is should be drained loamy soils rich in organic matter with pH.

How to grow caladiums in pots

how to grow caladiums in pots
Caladiums should be planted in warm soil. Wait two to three weeks after the last frost when the soil reaches 70°F.

Wheezing rattling in chest

wheezing rattling in chest
Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, also known as COPD, are the most common causes of wheezing that happens over and over again.